BrE Vs AmE Part One

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Ariel80

BrE Vs AmE Part Two

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Ariel80

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Children's Picnic at the Water Flower City Apartment Summer 2007

On July 21st, we organized a picnic for the kids at our school. We planned to go to a nearby park near the river to have the picnic but unfortunately it was drizzling and we changed our plans.

We allowed the kids to watch a cartoon using our projector. Their parents were sitting behind watching it too. And when the sun shone its rays, we quickly go out of the house and play a few games.

The first game we played was called "Caterpillar Race". We broke them into groups and ask them to blow up a balloon. We asked them to place the balloon between themselves and their partners. And the race began... They hold tightly among each other and try to walk as fast as they could to the finish line. It was a fun sight seeing them wiggle themselves to win.

The second game we played was called the "Hand Passing Balloon Game" The objectives was to pass the water balloon to the next person in line. They run to the other side, get a water balloon and quickly run back to pass to their team members. It was a funny sight to see small little feet running around. I could see they were happy. And even though it drizzle a bit...they were all happy.

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BBQ Picnic

BBQ Picnic
Last summer, we bbq in front of our yard. It was fun, we had chicken wing, potatoes, beefsteak with black pepper sauce and some bbq seafood.

After a delicious bbq meal, we had a water balloon fight. We filled many balloons with water and started to throw to everyone in sight. It was a funny sight. We laugh with all our might.

Having fun skating at BeiHang

Having fun skating at BeiHang

Skating is a fun and interesting activity to do. We can make new friends while keeping ourselves healthy. We usually skate in BeiHang, Hualian Dept. Store. The skating ring is located on the top floor of the department store. It only cost us RMB 5 to skate a whole day. It's affordable, fun, good for health and most importantly to practice spoken English. Julia, Little Angel, Tony and Mary usually invite me to skate with them. I try to skate with them as often as I can. It is fun to skate with them, they give me youth and happiness. I enjoy myself alot when we go out together. About two years ago, I usually skate once a week with Mary. I taught her how to skate and now I am proud to say she can skate pretty well. Most of my students can do criss-cross, backwards and turn around. They are fast learners. I like my students to be good at everything. To be a leader we must know many things. When we know many things, then we can be good leaders. They are now good followers. Always remember "Good followers become good leaders."