There were only a selected few students who can attend this Christmas Party. Each student from each class was selected to attend the party by taking an examination. As they prepare themselves for their final examination, many studied hard to get an invitation to our school's Christmas Party. It was hard, but it was all worth it.
The party started at 6.00pm, Sunday. It was cold, but many children had rosy cheeks and a warm smile. There were all together 28 students in the party ranging from 7 yrs old to 15 yrs old. At 6.00 to 6.15, Santa Clause gave everyone a Christmas hat and some light sticks. We divided the children into 4 groups. Each group elected a leader (usually a Middle School Student) to lead the group.
The first game we played was "Sing a Christmas Carol". Each group was given a Christmas Carol for them to prepare a group choir to sing in front of everyone. (It is important that on Christmas Day, Carols are sang, Santa Clause is present, and presents are given.) I feel the best group that sang beautifully was Angel Little's group. They orchestrated perfectly. With their light sticks, hats, and facial expression, it was a beauty.
The second game we played was called "Santa Clause Design Competition". Each group was given a list of things. The objective of the game was to design Santa Clause's Clothing within a time limitation. It was fun seeing them make Santa's beard out of cotton and Santa's coat out of red color paper. They were all creative. At last we had 4 young Old Santa Clauses standing in front of us. It was a funny sight.
After a few yo-yo competition and performances, it was time to eat. All the kids rush towards the table to grab their favorite food. We had pizza, spaghetti, pudding, fruit with melted chocolate, mashed potatoes and many more.
After the sumptious meal, it was time for games again. This time, it was a race to dress up as Santa. It was funny seeing them rushing and pulling and draging. Everyone was crying, because it was a funny sight.
Finally, the final game we played was called "Left Right Family Game", Everyone sat in a circle. Each one was given a wrapped present. They have to listen to a story about the "Right Family" Everytime I said right they have to pass the present to their right, and when I say left they have to pass it left. At last, when the story is done, they have their rightful present in their hand. Everyone was thrilled, and happy with their present, with their full stomaches and a beautiful, lovely memory that will last a lifetime.