BrE Vs AmE Part One

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Ariel80

BrE Vs AmE Part Two

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Ariel80

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween Lessons October 2008

This year, we didn't plan for any Halloween Party but we did organize some Halloween lessons for them.

We taught them many new vocabulary on Halloween. And we also did some art craft, making things like Halloween wreath, Jack O lantern carving and Jack O Lantern paper folding. It was fun to see them having a blast time.

But the most interesting, exciting part of Halloween was a powerpoint presentation of paranormal pictures (or my students will call it Ghost Show) They were thrilled about it. Some even took pictures of the slide show. We had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

BBQ Picnic Party June 2008

My family came to visit me on May 2008. I took this great opportunity to allow my siblings (my three little sisters and my two little brothers) to have this BBQ party together with my students. It was a great chance for both my students and my sisters to get to know each other. By talking, playing and eating together, this allows both parties to have a chance to know different culture and customs.

We started at 3.30pm. We decorated the place with balloons and streamers. We even have a big red canopy. We started the party with a great big BANG. Some students arrived ealier to help out.

When everyone arrived at the destination, we started to divide them into groups. There were all together 4 groups. RED, BLUE, WHITE, YELLOW. The first game we played was called, "Treassure Hunt". It was a search for "LOCO ROCO" in the garden. The winner is the team that manage to find the most Loco Roco. But unfortunately it started to rain, so we all quickly rush back into the house. I wanted them to have fun outside but if nature wants us inside I will compromise with it.

Having fun indoor was fantastic too. Because we started our second game called "Paper Clip Race". It was a race between groups to see how long they can make with paper clips. They all concentrated hard on joining the paper clips together. It was great to see teamwork among them.

After the two games, Simon (one of my student) gave us a saxaphone performance. It was terrific. Because for a small boy like him to be able to play the saxaphone was unbelievable. I asked my father whether he has seen a young boy playing the saxaphone, my dad said this was the FIRST. I was honored and proud of Simon. Thank you Simon for showing us your talent.

My sisters gave a performance too. They sang a song called "Best of Both Worlds" by Hannah Montanna. It was fantastic.

After the performance, it was time to eat. We had spaghetti, fried noddles (BeeHoon all the way from Malaysia), Crispy Cornflakes, BBQ corn, BBQ Chicken, BBQ Meat, Brownies, Pudding and of course chocolate ice-cream. They ate everything. It was so clean that I could see my face on the plate. :)

It was a sumptious meal, and it was time for more games. The third game we played was called "watermelon eating competition". It was a funny sight to see Tony, Angel, Michael and Simon eating their way to victory. The winner was Tony, for a small boy, he could really eat alot of watermelons.

The next game we played was called "Coke Drinking Competition". It sounds a little lame, but there is a catch to it. The representatives need to drink their coke through.... a baby's nipple. It was such a funny sight to see them sucking their coke. Everyone laugh and had a great time.

Of course all good things must come to an end, even though it rained heavily outside, but I believe everyone enjoyed themselves. I know I did.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Christmas Party 2007

There were only a selected few students who can attend this Christmas Party. Each student from each class was selected to attend the party by taking an examination. As they prepare themselves for their final examination, many studied hard to get an invitation to our school's Christmas Party. It was hard, but it was all worth it.

The party started at 6.00pm, Sunday. It was cold, but many children had rosy cheeks and a warm smile. There were all together 28 students in the party ranging from 7 yrs old to 15 yrs old. At 6.00 to 6.15, Santa Clause gave everyone a Christmas hat and some light sticks. We divided the children into 4 groups. Each group elected a leader (usually a Middle School Student) to lead the group.

The first game we played was "Sing a Christmas Carol". Each group was given a Christmas Carol for them to prepare a group choir to sing in front of everyone. (It is important that on Christmas Day, Carols are sang, Santa Clause is present, and presents are given.) I feel the best group that sang beautifully was Angel Little's group. They orchestrated perfectly. With their light sticks, hats, and facial expression, it was a beauty.

The second game we played was called "Santa Clause Design Competition". Each group was given a list of things. The objective of the game was to design Santa Clause's Clothing within a time limitation. It was fun seeing them make Santa's beard out of cotton and Santa's coat out of red color paper. They were all creative. At last we had 4 young Old Santa Clauses standing in front of us. It was a funny sight.

After a few yo-yo competition and performances, it was time to eat. All the kids rush towards the table to grab their favorite food. We had pizza, spaghetti, pudding, fruit with melted chocolate, mashed potatoes and many more.

After the sumptious meal, it was time for games again. This time, it was a race to dress up as Santa. It was funny seeing them rushing and pulling and draging. Everyone was crying, because it was a funny sight.

Finally, the final game we played was called "Left Right Family Game", Everyone sat in a circle. Each one was given a wrapped present. They have to listen to a story about the "Right Family" Everytime I said right they have to pass the present to their right, and when I say left they have to pass it left. At last, when the story is done, they have their rightful present in their hand. Everyone was thrilled, and happy with their present, with their full stomaches and a beautiful, lovely memory that will last a lifetime.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Halloween 2007

Halloween day was a fantastic day for me and my students. The students in Success Advanced Class prepared, organized and planned the Halloween Party for a month. They were all together 43 people in the party. We didn't expect so many people but it was worth it.

Everyone arrived at 5.00pm. Some even arrived earlier. The first section was to makeup ourselves. We broke a few people to be in charge of makeup, nails decorations and hair design. It was fun looking at everyone trying their best to help their friends look nice. One of us even have a snowman on her cheek. (Anna said it is snowing outside so she is in a mood of drawing a snowman on her cheek)

Others were braver than most, they painted their face with red lipstick which look like a bloody face. While most of us have just a normal makeup look.

We broke the students into a few groups. We elected group leaders to be in charge of each group. (allow them to practice leadership) The first game we played was called "The Making Of An Alien". We gave each group a set of balloons. Each group have a limited time to build an alien looking balloon. They have to try to copy the Alien Example shown to them. It was fun seeing them twisting, pulling and brusting the balloons. They were trying their best to design the Alien.

The second game was to allow them to build a pyramid using paper cups. They have to build the highest and most stable pyramid within a few minutes. The best team was Sophie's Team. It was a success.

After a few games, we told them that food is ready. The kids rush towards the table like hungry wolf. I have never ever seen people eating as crazy as them. It was a funny sight. Just within minutes the food from every table is gone. I never knew kids were like hungry wolves.

After their delicious meal, we had a yo-yo competition. We even have an acrobatic performance performanced by Niu Niu (my husband's cousin's daughter who is now in Japan performing) It was interesting.

Last but not least, the most exciting moment everyone was waiting for, "Trick or Treat". I gave each team a map, a list of houses to visit and a goodie bag. They were all thrilled and excited experiencing a new culture and festival. Before I could explain the rules and regulation, everyone was gone. They ran as fast as lighting asking for treats and candies.

We had a wonderful Halloween Party. It is a memorable time for me and I bet it is a memorable time for my students too. It's great to share the culture differences here in Shenyang, and I believe they had lots of fun and the most important of all, they had fun learning. Like what our motto says "No Fun, No Gain"

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Children's Picnic at the Water Flower City Apartment Summer 2007

On July 21st, we organized a picnic for the kids at our school. We planned to go to a nearby park near the river to have the picnic but unfortunately it was drizzling and we changed our plans.

We allowed the kids to watch a cartoon using our projector. Their parents were sitting behind watching it too. And when the sun shone its rays, we quickly go out of the house and play a few games.

The first game we played was called "Caterpillar Race". We broke them into groups and ask them to blow up a balloon. We asked them to place the balloon between themselves and their partners. And the race began... They hold tightly among each other and try to walk as fast as they could to the finish line. It was a fun sight seeing them wiggle themselves to win.

The second game we played was called the "Hand Passing Balloon Game" The objectives was to pass the water balloon to the next person in line. They run to the other side, get a water balloon and quickly run back to pass to their team members. It was a funny sight to see small little feet running around. I could see they were happy. And even though it drizzle a bit...they were all happy.

BBQ Picnic

BBQ Picnic
Last summer, we bbq in front of our yard. It was fun, we had chicken wing, potatoes, beefsteak with black pepper sauce and some bbq seafood.

After a delicious bbq meal, we had a water balloon fight. We filled many balloons with water and started to throw to everyone in sight. It was a funny sight. We laugh with all our might.

Having fun skating at BeiHang

Having fun skating at BeiHang

Skating is a fun and interesting activity to do. We can make new friends while keeping ourselves healthy. We usually skate in BeiHang, Hualian Dept. Store. The skating ring is located on the top floor of the department store. It only cost us RMB 5 to skate a whole day. It's affordable, fun, good for health and most importantly to practice spoken English. Julia, Little Angel, Tony and Mary usually invite me to skate with them. I try to skate with them as often as I can. It is fun to skate with them, they give me youth and happiness. I enjoy myself alot when we go out together. About two years ago, I usually skate once a week with Mary. I taught her how to skate and now I am proud to say she can skate pretty well. Most of my students can do criss-cross, backwards and turn around. They are fast learners. I like my students to be good at everything. To be a leader we must know many things. When we know many things, then we can be good leaders. They are now good followers. Always remember "Good followers become good leaders."